So YouTube has just entered the game of online movie rentals . Unfortunately you wont be able to rent movies unless you are in the US – that is unless you use this trick.

See YouTube will only stream to users located within the US. They will determine where you are in the world by looking at your IP address. An IP is a unique number that all Internet connections need in order to function. So what we need is a US based IP address to trick YouTube into allowing us to rent movies.

How to Get a US Middleman

So what we need is a US based middleman that will sit between us and YouTube and thus tricking YouTube into thinking we are in the US. We do this by connecting to a Virtual Private Network or VPN for short. Once we are connected to a US based VPN server everyone will think we are located in the US.

It might sound complicated but if you take a look at the videos below you will see it is very easy to set up. A Vpn connection is very cheap and can be used for unblocking many services and at the same time it will make your Internet usage more save by encrypting all traffic. The fastest provider on the market is Unlocator. I use them on both my desktop, laptop and mobile devices and it really rocks. Get the 6 or 12 months package and you will be watching Youtube Rental Movies in no time.

Pro tip: Once signed in and you have to pay for the movie, just use your normal credit card and name but remember to fill in a valid US address and you are good to go.


My name is Bradley Andrews. I'm a strong believer in online freedom and unrestricted Internet access. I write about VPN, privacy and website unblocking.

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