If you are fond of animals then Animal Planet is the place for you. Unfortunately streaming of the full episodes is only available from inside the US. That is why you need to using the following trick if you want to stream Animal Planet from outside the US.

The problem is that Animal Planet has only secured the rights for streaming to the US audience. That is why if you try to watch one of the full episodes from outside the US you will see the following message: “We’re sorry, but this video is not available in your location”.

Watch Animal Planet outside the US

Animal Planet has detected your location via your computers IP address, which you inherit from your ISP. This unique number will reveal in what country you are located and hence it is very easy for Animal Planet to block access.

Fake Your Location and Watch Animal Planet From Anywhere in the World
So the way to go about getting access to the Animal Planet from any location is faking your IP address. By exchanging your current non US IP with and American based IP address you will be able to access all the US content you like.

In order to achieve this you need to connect to what is known as a Virtual Private Network or VPN. This will allow your computer to inherit an American IP address from a VPN server located in the US. This might sound a bit complicated, but actually this is very easy to setup.

First of all you need an account with a VPN provider. I use Unlocator as the price and ease of setup is the best I have come across. Once signed up simply install the application, which comes for PC, Mac and Linux, and then simply select a server from the list and click connect. From that moment on you will have an American IP address and you can now reload the Animal Planet website and watch any video you want no matter where in the world you are located.

Whether you are on vacation or simply live outside the US this is a great way to access US only content. Besides your data connection becomes encrypted when you are connected to VPN. This makes it very hard for hackers to attack you when surfing on Wi-Fi and the likes.

Anyhow I hope you could use this small trick – it will work with any US only site out there so this method is not restricted to just the Animal Planet website.


My name is Bradley Andrews. I'm a strong believer in online freedom and unrestricted Internet access. I write about VPN, privacy and website unblocking.

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