I recently came across a new service called Unotelly that claims give you access to blocked US TV-shows and websites like and Hulu. While testing out the service I decided to write a Unotelly review as well.

How Unotelly Works

Unotelly is a DNS service and in order to get it working you have to change the IP address of the DNS servers that your machine or device uses. That way the DNS lookup will be routed trough their servers located in the US. This works fairly well and it unblocks the sites as stated. There are some serious flaws though.

The Big Drawbacks to Unotelly

To be fair there is not much to write in this Unotelly review other than the service works. However, there are some serious drawbacks with using this type of service. First of all you will not get the added security of using a VPN service. These days identity theft and hacking has become a national sport and personally I always use a VPN connection – especially on my laptop and phone. That is why I will take Unlocator any day over a service like Unotelly.

Another serious drawback is the fact that it can only unblock the services listed at the website. With a VPN connection you can unblock any service that you like and as bonus you get the added security on top of that.


Granted the Unotelly service does what it says, but I would never consider using it when there are alternatives on the market like Unlocator that is much more versatile and secure.


My name is Bradley Andrews. I'm a strong believer in online freedom and unrestricted Internet access. I write about VPN, privacy and website unblocking.


  1. Using a VPN service like Hide My Ass is so much better. You get much more functionality and can unblock everything.

  2. Gavin Sinclair Reply

    For ease of use and pricing Unlocator beats HMA each and everytime for the sites users what most.

  3. Stay away from unotelly….they automatically renew the subscription and refuse to process a refund…there are better companies

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