All the good content such as videos and full-length programs are not available to visitors outside the US when they visit the website. However you can get around that problem by using the following trick.

See if you try to access the site from outside the US you will be meet with the following message “The MTV USA website ( is optimized for users within USA. While Users outside of USA are welcome to visit, many features of the site (including most videos) will not work for users outside of USA. We strongly encourage you to visit your local site instead.”

Fake Your Location to Watch abroad

how to watch jersey shore outside the usSo all you need to do is fake your location and then you will have access to all the content from MTV such as full episodes of Jersey Shore and much more. The best way to do this is by connecting to what is called a Virtual Private Network or VPN. Although it sounds a bit complicated it really isn’t. By installing a small app from Unlocator you can simply select where in the US you want to hide and click connect. Now the site will think you are located in the US and from then on you can stream all the shows as long as you remain connected to Unlocator.

So if you follow the simple steps above you will no longer be meet with the dreaded message “Sorry, we are unable to offer this video to users in your region”.


My name is Bradley Andrews. I'm a strong believer in online freedom and unrestricted Internet access. I write about VPN, privacy and website unblocking.

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