Unfortunately CTV.com does not make their content globally available. So as soon as you leave Canada you are left out in the cold – unless you use the following trick.

See if you try to watch a show on ctv.com it will actually let you watch the commercial and trailer before the actual show begins, but then you will be meet with the following message: “We are experiencing temporary difficulties downloading your lineup. Please wait another few seconds and try again if you’re still having problems.”

This is actually very badly formulated. What it actually meant to say was “you are not invited to the party because you are located outside of Canada”. However, you can do a little gate crashing by simply connecting to a Virtual Private Network. This will allow you to route all your computer via a secure server located in Canada and hereby trick CTV into thinking you are back home. Don’t worry it is very easy to setup.

How to Setup VPN to Watch CTV Abroad

The most important thing is that you get a VPN provider with plenty of bandwidth that also has a secure server in Canada. I have tried quite a few but my favorite is by far Unlocator. Partly how to watch CTV outside Canadabecause of the streaming quality but also because of the extremely easy setup. unlikeother providers that will have you do a manual connection to the server you can simply install the custom app from Unlocator on either Mac or PC and then simply select Canada from the country drop down and click connect. That is all there is to it and you are now virtually located in Canada no matter where in the world you live. Pretty smart huh?

The app will allow you to hide in 33 countries so you can unblock a wide range of different sites with this method. Happy viewing and I hope you will enjoy catching up on your favorite CTV shows while on the go.


My name is Bradley Andrews. I'm a strong believer in online freedom and unrestricted Internet access. I write about VPN, privacy and website unblocking.

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