ABCs iview is only available in Australia and as soon as you try to watch content while abroad Australia you will be blocked from accessing the site. However, I know a little trick that will allow you to watch ABC iview from anywhere in the world. Read on for the solution.
See the problem is that as soon is that the ABC iview website is able to detect your location via your computers IP address and if you access the site from outside Australia you will see the following message: “Due to copyright reasons this video program is available for download by people located in Australia only. If you are not located in Australia, you are not authorised to view this video.”
An IP address is a number that your computer inherits from the Internet Provider you are using when connecting to the Internet. This number is needed in order to send and receive data and at the same time it is a dead give away of your location. What you need is a way to get an Australian IP address no matter where in the world you are located.
Use VPN and Reside Virtually in Australia
The trick is connecting to what is known as a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with a server located in Australia. Once connected to this type of network your computer will inherit an IP address from the server in the other end and since this server is located in Australia you will appear to be located there as well. As soon as you disconnect from the server you will appear in your actual location again – in other words you can change location by the push of a button.
Setting up VPN is actually very easy – all you need is an account with a VPN provider with a server located in Australia. I prefer Unlocator
as they have servers located all around the world including Australia. Once you have signed up for an account you simply install the application on your PC or Mac and connect to an Australian server by selecting it from the list in the application and clicking connect. In a matter of seconds you will inherit an IP address from Australia and you can now watch ABC iview as if you are located in Australia.
As you can see the process is pretty simple and if you want to watch ABC iview outside Australia then this is the way to go. No computer skills are required and it should take you no longer than 5 minutes to setup. As an added benefit your security is enhanced by using VPN as your data connection becomes encrypted and hackers will no longer be able to intercept your data traffic when using Wi-Fi.
You can also use this method with the XBOX 360 as long as you use the a router to connect to VPN. Take a look at this article for more info.