Now that Lovefilm has launched their app for the iPad it would be nice if you could watch a film while abroad on vacation or travel. However the app only works in the UK so you need to some simple trickery to get it working.

First of all you need access to the iPad app and it is only available in the UK app store so unless you have a UK credit card you are out of luck.

Trick Lovefilm Into Thinking you are in the UK

Lovefilm will check the IP address of your iPad when connecting to the service and if you are outside the UK you will be blocked from using the app. An easy way to get around this is by using a VPN service like Unlocator. That way you can simply have your iPad connect to a server in the UK while abroad and Lovefilm will now think you are back home and allow you to stream. It is that simple.

Once signed up to Unlocator you log into your account and select one of the servers in the UK. Note down the IP address and your username and password. Then take your iPad and look for settings>network>vpn and add a new connection. Select PPTP and input the info from above. Then simply switch on the VPN switch every time you want to use the Lovefilm iPad app while abroad and you are good to go.

Watch Lovfilm on the iPad outside the UK


My name is Bradley Andrews. I'm a strong believer in online freedom and unrestricted Internet access. I write about VPN, privacy and website unblocking.

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